Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Biggest Interview of my Career

Twelve hours ago i woke up to a dreary, wet Manchester morning but i was not perturbed. I had a spring in my step because today was the day i got to interview the Head of BBC North, Peter Salmon.

My mood was dampened slightly by a very poor mark in a Music Journalism album review but i was not going to let anything get me down. Even the persistence of the rain as i stepped outside an hour later. Within minutes my feet were soaked and i discovered that my boots leaked. And yet, there was still a smile on my face.

By this point i was getting a little nervous and when i'm nervous i go one of two ways- i either go much louder to over-compensate or i shrink into myself. Today i chose hiding away as i shook the hand of the university Press Officer, a man from the BBC and many others who i failed to catch the name of.

Then Peter Salmon walked in and i didn't know what to do. Editor Emily had just briefly left the room and i had sat at a table. I watched as he was introduced to the others in the room and i felt completely out of place. I just stayed back and hoped nobody noticed i was invading on their very grown-up meeting!

Emily returned, we were introduced to Peter and then taken upstairs to where fellow students had set up equipment. We sat in the background and took notes while Peter was filmed for the university and a student project for twenty minutes then it was our turn.

Emily had originally said that i would ask most of the questions but we had sat down, turned on our dictaphones and then i had completely forgotten everything i wanted to ask! So Emily very deftly too control of the situation. Unfortunately we only had five minutes so Emily asked a few questions, i got one very important question in and then that was it. Peter Salmon was swept away to the next important meeting and we were left in someone's office in the wake.

I then came into my element, got chatting to the other students and recognised a few from my features class. I even managed to get them to promise to write a few features for me, they were very impressed that i was Features Editor so i felt much better about myself by the time i left the room!

Once again i have failed to do any Shorthand. Must rectify that now!

Over and out!


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