The Black Hole that is the weekend has consumed all of your time and you have none left to practice some Shorthand or write a draft of your feature. So Monday morning came, almost no work done whatsoever (there was a TV lull between the football finishing and Come Dine With Me starting so i'd done a quick draft of my feature) and of course i felt so guilty i had to get up early despite it being my one chance at a lie-in for the week and do some work.
Except nobody had emailed me back about the campaign idea, i hadn't heard anything from the lady at the local paper back down South about work experience and had no desire to get out of bed to sit struggling to write Shorthand about the Teletubbies (apparently children's TV is slower with less complicated words so is ideal for perfecting Shorthand).
The afternoon however was much more productive. I left my computer for all of thirty minutes between leaving home and travelling to university and was greeted by three emails. Two were helping me with the disabled access campaign and the third brought very good news indeed! I have secured myself a one week placement at the Kent and Sussex Courier for the Christmas holidays. Unfortunately one week is all they could offer with so many looking for experience but it is the week leading up to Christmas so it is going to be extremely busy and i will hopefully get a lot out of the experience!
After printing my poor excuse for a first draft of the feature i then met with my feature teacher who was impressed, laughed at all the appropriate places and gave some great advice for how to take it a little further. One week until that is due, i'm feeling very confident about that.
Then, a quick rush to the other side of campus for a meeting with Editor Emily about doing a front page story which will take centre stage in my NCTJ Portfolio. For this story i have to interview the Head of BBC North, Peter Salmon!!! I am very very nervous about the interview but thankfully it is not all alone, more like a group interview but Emily got us in on it and we've been given permission to ask him questions so it should be a great experience! That is happening tomorrow morning so there really is no time to panic about it because it will all be over by this time tomorrow!
Final task for the day was an interview with a fellow student about his experience of being semi-disabled in our university accommodation which by all accounts sounds pretty tough! He was really helpful and the campaign assignment feels like it is coming along really well.
I am constantly amazed at how together my life feels at the moment. All my assignments seem to be coming together in plenty of time, i'm stressing about one in particular and am managing the stress i am harbouring so all is good! Of course, having said that, something is bound to go hideously wrong so watch this space!!
Tomorrow brings with it the biggest interview of my 'career' to date, a long overdue lunchtime catch-up with a friend, writing up the front page of next week's uni paper and i should probably squeeze some Shorthand in there at some point!
Over and out!
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